Question 3

Jyoti Dhiman (Noida, UP)
My partner and i argue frequently, is there any astrology remedy to solve such type of love problem?

Yes, certainly. The ancient, well-tested, and magnificent science of Vedic astrology certainly has surefire, safe, and expert solution for your problems in love relationship. The astrology remedy for love problems is cheaper and cost-effective also.

In general, all the following causes or factors responsible for creating differences, disputes, incompatibilities, or even estrangement or breakup between two love partners are solvable, mollifiable, or just fully eliminable through astrology remedies ---

  • Differences in the natural or astrological traits, attitudes, and propensities
  • Differences in the familial, social, and cultural norms & statuses
  • Growing affinity and inclination of the other love partner towards any third person
  • Some serious drawbacks, likely troubles, or dissimilarities in the birth charts of the lovers
  • A triangular love situation; or rigid obstructions being created by a third affluent and influential person to your love relationship or love/inter-caste marriage
  • Gradual diminishment in the mutual allure, love, respect, and concern between the love partners after some years of loving relationship
  • Depressing anticipation of some likely familial or social disputes or barriers to love relationship or the love or inter-caste marriage
  • Any covert health ailments or debilities, bad habits, or past mistakes related with any love partner
  • Humiliating differences between the educational, occupational, financial, or social statuses of the two love partners
  • And, break, lackluster, and discontented love life between lovers

For determining solution to love problems, the following astrological elements and particulars are closely and critically observed and assessed --- the prevailing conditions in the houses of 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 2nd, 8th, 6th, and 12th; the overall conditions and strengths of the lords of these houses; the locations, abilities, and tendencies of planets Rahu, Mars, Saturn, Moon, Jupiter, and Venus in the given birth chart(s); and presence of any astrological dosha (Mangal Dosha or any Kaal Sarpa Dosha) or afflictions in the given chart(s).

After comprehensive observation and analysis of all above particulars in the given birth chart(s) pertaining to one or both the love partners, the knowledgeable astrologer can suggest measures for reducing or removing the spoiling or obstructive influences of the planets concerned, and also for promoting and enhancing the good graces of benefic planets in the chart. Finally, the solution measures suggested may involve one or more of the following ---

  • Ace-quality remedial gemstone(s)
  • Any highly promising or marvelous gemstone or yantra
  • Suggestions about certain favorable ceremonies or havans, worships, or donations

Thanks, and best wishes to All.

Astrologer Ankit Sharma
Call/WhatsApp : +91-98154-18307

Disclaimer*No guarantee is given for the best results to All. Results may vary from person to person, owing to some uncontrollable reasons.
I Shared My Knowledge To Help People

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