First of all, it may firmly be noted that astrology can surely solve yours all problems related with clashes with husband, and maintaining harmony and peace in your married life. The husband wife relationship problem is quite common place in every society or nation, and therefore, astrology does offer the full-range of solutions for all such problems in the married life.
For determining the husband wife misunderstanding problems solution, all the following houses of the birth chart of one or both the spouses are examined and analyzed --- 7th, 2nd, 11th, 4th, 8th, 9th, 5th, and 12th. The positions and conditions of the lords of these houses are also observed. Influences of various malefic planets on these houses and their lords are particularly assessed. And, the locations, strengths, and influences of Venus, Jupiter, and Moon in every chart are specially taken into account.
For harmonious relationship between the husband and wife, the planets Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon should be strong and favorable. Again, malefic planets like Rahu, Mars, and Saturn, are generally found responsible for creating a variety of problems in the married life. The presence of certain doshas in the birth chart of any spouse also generates disputes or adversities in the marital relationship and life. Some of such astrological doshas are the following --- mangal dosha, any relevant kaal sarpa dosha, nadi dosha, rahu dosha, chandra dosha, etc. Through comprehensive and sophisticated analysis of all above-mentioned astrological particulars, expert and surefire remedies for all marital problems can be determined.
The solutions thus obtained, are generally implemented through suggesting few of the following measures ---
The marital life or home peace astrology is capable of solving or eliminating almost all types of personal, conjugal, familial, astrological, occupational, or social issues affecting the relationship between the husband and wife. In addition to the internal arguments, disputes, or estrangement, the extramarital affairs led by any spouse, can also be eliminated through astrology. Lastly, besides being moderate in cost, the astrology solution to marital problems is also intrinsically effective.
Thanks, and best wishes to All.
Astrologer Ankit Sharma
Call/WhatsApp : +91-98154-18307
Mohali : House No.335, Phase 3A, Mohali 160059
Chandigarh : Near Women College, Top Floor, Sector 46, Chandigarh-160046, Punjab
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