Question 4

Vidhya Tiwari (Kanpur, UP)
How to Get My Boyfriend Back in My Life by Astrology Remedies

Through creative, confidential, and reasonably-charged love astrology services, you can smoothly and surely get your boyfriend back in your solitary life, safely and in real time. This segment of Vedic astrology deals intensively and exclusively with all various possible problems in the love relationship of the native, and is also opulently capable enough to suggest excellent measures for permanent solutions to the problems. You need imperatively just a well-learned-and-experienced or preferably a best love astrologer of international renown for fulfilling your purpose impeccably.

To get your boyfriend back by astrology, required will be your birth chart, and if possible, the birth chart of your parted boyfriend also. Relevant also will be some information about the problems between you both. In general, the following astrological elements, factors, and planetary combinations of the given chart(s) are to be meticulously observed and insightfully analyzed for determining the efficacious solution measures ----

  • The overall conditions of the houses of 5th, 7th, 9th, 2nd, 8th, 11th, 6th, and 12th. Considerable are the locations as well as influences of specific planets onto these houses. The locations, conditions, and abilities of the lords of these houses in the chart are also to be probed into. The Zodiac signs related with these houses and their lords are also taken into account.
  • The conditions, associations, zodiac signs, strengths, and dominant tendencies of various planets in the chart, especially of Rahu, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter. Effects of these planets onto the above-specified houses and also on the lords of those houses are also reckoned carefully.
  • The presence of any specific yogas or doshas (benefic or malefic planetary combinations) such as the Mangal Dosha or any Kaal Sarpa Dosha, is also examined in the given chart.

After observing and evaluating all above-noted astrological particulars, an expert, responsible, and benign astrologer will be required to determine the apt and flawless solution measures for meeting the following purposes, in order to enable you to get your lost love back in due time ---

  • For the rectification of some or all of the above-mentioned houses and their lords
  • For mitigation or elimination of the spoiling or ruinous influences of Rahu, Mars, Saturn, Moon, etc
  • And, for the enhancement of the good favors of the planets Venus and Jupiter, and also of various malefic planets mentioned just above

Lastly, the solution-measures so determined are made disclosed to you, for strict implementation by you. In general, these solution-measures include the following things and suggestions ---

  • Exquisite curative and marvelous gemstone(s)
  • Specific ring or yantra
  • Certain Vedic Mantra for regular chanting
  • Worship of specific God or Goddess
  • And, generous donation of certain things to the deprived or suffering people on the specified days of the week

Thanks, and best wishes to All.

Astrologer Ankit Sharma
Call/WhatsApp : +91-98154-18307

Disclaimer*No guarantee is given for the best results to All. Results may vary from person to person, owing to some uncontrollable reasons.
I Shared My Knowledge To Help People

Mohali : House No.335, Phase 3A, Mohali 160059

Chandigarh : Near Women College, Top Floor, Sector 46, Chandigarh-160046, Punjab

Email :
Skype : Ankit.sharma3291
Mobile/WhatsApp/Viber : +91-98154-18307
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