Can Astrology Change My Destiny?
To some extent, Astrology can surely help in changing one's destiny. The whole destiny of a person can only be changed by God. Any well-learned, insightful, and sophisticated astrologer can only suggest effective preventive measures or remedial/beneficial measures, to make the life of the concerned person easy and successful. However, following strictly the advices of any astrologer also matters. Hence, it can strongly be stated that astrology can help immensely in changing one's destiny, but the active thoughts and deeds (collectively called as Karmas) of the concerned person in the current/present life also play a crucial role in changing the destiny. The section below, offers exclusive explanation/clarification about how does astrology help in changing one's destiny, to enlighten and serve people of the world over.
Comprehensive and meticulous astrological analyses can reveal lots about the past life of a person, things and events of his/her present life, and many things about the next birth of the person. The destiny or fate is mainly the default settings (of specific good and bad qualities and results of deeds committed in past lives) with which a person has come to the earth in this (present) incarnation. According to many renowned and legendary astrologers, sages& saints, and spiritual people, many things (changeable or flexible things) of the destiny of a person may be changed and improved through astrology-based measures, to offer him/her a better and happier life in various spheres. In light of these facts, it may firmly be said that everything of life is not immutable; many things of life can be changed, mended, or refined through sincere and honest adaptation of relevant knowledge, thoughts & deeds, and behavior in general. In other words, everything of life is not predestined, there is an existence of the "Free Will" also, which can act as the motive force for changing one's destiny to some extent, or crafting one's better future in this present life. Presence of more than one thought/desire in all of us in almost every context, fortifies the existence of the freewill, and also that all things of life are not unchangeably predetermined or predestined. Hence, the perfect and unbiased answer to the question "can astrology change destiny?" is "yes", but to some extent only. If changing the whole destiny would be possible through astrology, then each one in the world would have been equal, and there would have been no diversity in the world. Here, it may be just cited that it was unchangeable destiny of Alexander the Great to die in Babylon by poisoning, as he could not avert going to Babylon despite strong and prewarning predictions by astrologers that he would certainly die, if he went Babylon.